Tablature Radiohead - Paranoid Android (4)

Radiohead - Paranoid Android (4)

Title: Paranoid Android
Subtitle: Androide Paranoico
Artist: Radiohead
Album: OK Computer
Author: T. Yorke, J. Greenwood, Ed O´Brien, C. Greenwood, P. Seelway
Copyright: Pharlaphone
Tabled by: By Mr. E
Instructions: Toca la canicón
Notices: Disfruten esta grandiosa canción de una de las
mejores bandas del mundo, digo, tienen mejores,mas
depresión.. pero esta la disfrutas al tocarla.

If you like it... Good
If you not ... I DONT CARE

Tempo: 84 BPM
Tracks: 9
Bars: 127
Tabs: Radiohead - Paranoid Android (4).gp4
This is just a nightmare
Soon I'm gonna wake up
Someone's gonna bring me around
Running from the bombers
Hiding in the forest
Running through the fields
Laying flat on the ground
Just like everybody
Standing over heads
Running from the underground

This is your warning
Four minute warning

I don't want to hear it
I don't want to know
I just want to run and hide
This is just a nightmare
Soon I'm gonna wake up
Someone's gonna bring me around

This is a warning
Four minute warning