Tablature Competition 3 - Chance Enounter

Competition 3 - Chance Enounter

Title: MFAS
Subtitle: Chance Encounter
Tabled by:
Notices: This tab is part of a MSB competition. If you wish to
participate in any way first read the rules posted in the
forum under mysongbook in the topic "Competition 3
Official Rules and Announcements".

Tempo: 130 BPM
Tracks: 5
Bars: 180
Tabs: Competition 3 - Chance Enounter.gp3
Do two hearts get three chances?
First time you took me in
Then turned around and left it
But if kittens all got 9 lives and zombies resurrected
Then how can I have one more try to get our love corrected?

Do two hearts get three chances?
I said I was over you when you came back for seconds
But you believed my acting skills and now I just regret it
So how can I have one more try get us reconnected?

Do two hearts get three chances?
Now you’re here in front of me and the future’s open ended
If kittens all got 9 lives and zombies resurrected
Then could it be with you and me
This pattern's never ending.