Tablature Audioslave - The Last Remaining Light (3)

Audioslave - The Last Remaining Light (3)

Title: The Last Rmeaining Light
Artist: Audioslave
Album: Audioslave
Author: Angus Rouse
Tabled by:
Notices: No vocals as of yet.

Tempo: 100 BPM
Tracks: 4
Bars: 131
Tabs: Audioslave - The Last Remaining Light (3).gp4
Roll me on your frozen fields
Break my bones to watch them heal
Drown me in your thirsty veins
Where I'll watch and I'll wait
And pray for the rain

Curl like smoke and breathe again
Down your throat inside your ribs
Through your spine in every nerve
Where I watch and I wait
And yield to the hurt

And if you don't believe the sun will rise
Stand alone and greet the coming night
In the last remaining light

Seven moons and seven suns
Heaven waits for those who run
Down your winter and underneath your waves
Where you watch and you wait
And pray for the day

And if you don't believe the sun will rise
Stand alone and greet the coming night
In the last remaining light

And if you don't believe the sun will rise
Stand alone and greet the coming night
In the last remaining light