Tablature Simon, Paul - From Emily whenever i may find her

Simon, Paul - From Emily whenever i may find her

Title: From Emily whenever i may find her
Artist: Paul Simon
Album: The Defenitive
Author: Paroles et musique Paul Simon
Tabled by: tizeph
Instructions: Capo case 3 oł 5
Notices: Paroles - Lyrics

Intro: /Em.../A.../G.../D.../C...

What a dream I had, pressed in organdy
Clothed in crinoline of smoky burgandy
Softer than the rain

I wandered empty streets down passed the shop
I heard cathedral bells, tripping down the alley-way
As I walked on

And when you ran to me, your checks flushed with the
We walked on frosted fields of juniper and lamplight
I held your hand

Break instrumental

And when I awoke and felt your warm and near
I kissed your honey hair, with my grateful tears
Oh I love you girl

Oh how I love you girl

Tempo: 125 BPM
Tracks: 1
Bars: 67
Tabs: Simon, Paul - From Emily whenever i may find her.gp3
What a dream I had, pressed in organdie
Clothed in crinoline of smoky Burgundy
Softer than the rain.

I wandered empty streets down, past the shop displays
I heard cathedral bells, dripping down the alley ways
As I walked on.

And when you ran to me your, cheeks flushed with the night
We walked on frosted fields, of juniper and lamplight
I held your hand.

And when I awoke, felt you warm and near
I kissed your honey hair, with my grateful tears
Oh I love you girl
Oh I love, you