Tablature Blue Goblins - Nitra

Blue Goblins - Nitra

Title: Nitra
Artist: Blue Goblins
Album: Stereo
Author: Blue Goblins
Copyright: Blue Goblins
Tabled by: Gave Drohl
Instructions: +
Notices: keyboards arent 100 percent right

Tempo: 120 BPM
Tracks: 10
Bars: 250
Tabs: Blue Goblins - Nitra.gp3
What was true of Mary Lou
Whose blonde hair blew through the
Now I look into perfect eyes of blue
Gone but not forgotten

"We flew - me and you
Didn't we do what we wanted
I had to gow how was I to know
Some of those houses where haunted
Come with me run away with me Melissa
Run away with me run away with me"

We crept through the fall days the barns
and hallways
And weren't we always together
Sometimes I loved you
Sometimes I hated you
Once I waited for you forever

Now I look into perfect eyes of blue
And think you where all that I wanted
But you had to gow how were you to know
Some of those houses where haunted
Some of those houses where haunted